David Arendale, Ph.D.
University of Missouri-Kansas City
email: arend011@umn.edu
Winter Institute:
Presenter & Mentor
ACDEA Fellow – NCLCA 2000
David Arendale, Ph.D., was the National Project Director for Supplemental Instruction and the Associate Director for the Center for Academic Development at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Arendale served as President of the National Association for Developmental Education from 1996 to 1997. Currently, David is an Associate Professor in Social Sciences at the University of Minnesota’s General College.
For the past decade Arendale has been extensively involved with programs related to student success. He has made over 125 presentations and conducted workshops at international, national and regional professional conferences. Arendale has authored or co-authored more than 55 articles, monographs, and videotapes.
Professional involvement activities with the National Association for Developmental Education include: past national president, past president of one of the regional chapters, co-chair for the 1994 national conference, and member of several committees. A student retention program co-developed by Arendale at Highland Community College (KS) won one of the Noel/Levitz National Awards for Exemplary Student Retention in 1989.